A Pressing Matter: What is the Right Pressure in Lymphatic Massage?
Interpreting Lymphatic Research to Inform Clinical Practice
The Unique Innervation of Facial Skin: Why MLD Facials are So Good.
The Crucial Role of Mechanical Forces in Wound Healing and Scar Minimisation
The complex interactions that control lymph flow, and how Dr Vodder's MLD exploits them
Why does MLD have such a profound effect on the Autonomic Nervous System?
Navigating the Medical Publishing Maze - How we Published our Long-COVID Case Report
Why Elastic Tape Is a Game Changer for Phase 2 Lymphoedema Management
MLD and dementia, one OT's experience. by Delbar Mehta.
Lymphatic pathways, mapping your dynamic immune highway.
MLD & the mechanics of skin-health
Stretching, lymph-angiogenesis and MLD
Lymphoscintigraphy guided MLD
Revival of the World's Best Kept Beauty Secret
From Manila to Perth and Back
Does MLD make everything better?
Frozen shoulder - pain free in two treatments with Applied MLD.
Critical appraisal skills - the missing link for Therapists
Why MLD should be started as early as possible.
5 Reasons you need Applied MLD
Measuring clinically relevant outcomes
What is the best measure for lymphoedema?
Stretching helps resolve acute inflammation and reduce pain.
Lymphoedema and the Roadmap to 2030
How to write a case study and why we need them