A Pressing Matter: What is the Right Pressure in Lymphatic Massage?
Misconceptions about the appropriate direction and pressure for lymphatic massage in lymphoedema abound, and a search of the world wide web
A Pressing Matter: What is the Right Pressure in Lymphatic Massage?
LKN Foundation launches during #LymphoedemaAwarenessMonth
Viewing fad diets through a lymphatic lens, & why I dislike 'Keto'
Does MLD make you sick?
Lymphatic endothelial cells, so much more to know!
The thoraco-abdominal pump, how important is it to the lymph system?
Lymph Taping update - the debate on replacing #compression with #lymphtaping continues
Taking best practice lymphoedema self-care to Asia and Africa
Every little bit helps
Lymphoedema in Rural Ethiopia
Lymphoedema in Rural Bangladesh