Another ICG update, do we need to change anything?
Interpreting Lymphatic Research to Inform Clinical Practice
The thoraco-abdominal pump, how important is it to the lymph system?
Lymph Taping update - the debate on replacing #compression with #lymphtaping continues
New delivery format for Dr Vodder courses in 2020
Taking best practice lymphoedema self-care to Asia and Africa
How can Vodder's MLD resolve trigger points without pain?
Lymphoedema services in regional Australia
Keeping up to date in the fast moving world of lymphatics
Almost all women treated for vulvar cancer will have symptoms of lymphoedema in the first 2 years
MLD for Pain and Stress
Every little bit helps
Winter-days in Walchsee
Lymphoedema in Rural Ethiopia
Lymphoedema in Rural Bangladesh
Using ICG to image the effects of MLD
Is it really fibrosis? Or is it thixotropic tissue change?
Does MLD improve volume reduction in lymphoedema management? And does the technique really matter?
Brain drainage – what’s all the fuss about?
Shedding light on fluorescent imaging