A Pressing Matter: What is the Right Pressure in Lymphatic Massage?
Misconceptions about the appropriate direction and pressure for lymphatic massage in lymphoedema abound, and a search of the world wide web
A Pressing Matter: What is the Right Pressure in Lymphatic Massage?
The Crucial Role of Mechanical Forces in Wound Healing and Scar Minimisation
Why MLD should be started as early as possible.
Stretching helps resolve acute inflammation and reduce pain.
LKN Foundation launches during #LymphoedemaAwarenessMonth
Another disappointing SR that fails to tell us anything new 😖
Its never too early to start MLD
March is the month for raising #LymphoedemaAwareness
Almost all women treated for vulvar cancer will have symptoms of lymphoedema in the first 2 years
Lymphoedema in Rural Ethiopia
Lymphoedema in Rural Bangladesh